When country's of the Medieval world are on the brink of war Arranged marriages are considered the way to solve everything. But will these princes and princesses fall in love with there chosen one or will there eyes wander to a heart closer to home...
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WOOHOO :P this is gonna be funnnnn :P Hope lots of people join and we can get started soon >w<
Hope to RP with everyone soon ;P
CookieCupcake - Member for 0 years
I want to reserve a knight, I'll wait for a princess to submit the character.
"The laziness is the engine of progress, who invented the wheel was because, obviously, didn't want walk"
Fencer - Member for 0 years
May I reserve a Princess? I'll get the skelly in tomorrow.
Alyx - Member for 1 years
Pmed you already but prince for me?
A man had sons who were always fighting. He one day told them to get a bundle of sticks. Then, he placed the bundle into the hands of each of them and told them to break it and they were unable to do it. He then opened the bundle, took the sticks separately and again put them into his sons' hands, and they broke them easily. He said: if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other you will be uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies but if you are divided you will be broken as easily as sticks.
Firebird18 - Member for 0 years
Alrighty made all the reservations :P
CookieCupcake - Member for 0 years
Can I reserve a princess please? :3
Luna Delta - Member for 0 years
A princess or a maid....well I believe a princess would be nice, but eh...I'll reserve a maid please.
Ran_Akuma - Member for 0 years
>w< alright Luna il reserve you and Ran... o.o Maid??? i guess :P
CookieCupcake - Member for 0 years
Yesh a maid Cookie :3
I'm not your average maid though :P
Ran_Akuma - Member for 0 years
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